OBT Live Welcomes Liam Ellison as Chief Technology Officer

OBT Live, a leading digital systems integrator specialising in hyper-personalisation, gamification and customer engagement across key sectors such as Sports, Media, Leisure and Entertainment, proudly announces the appointment of Liam Ellison as Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Liam brings over a decade of industry experience, progressing from early support roles to leading consultant positions on multi-million-pound […]

OBT Live Appoints Daniel Rebic as Live Services Director

OBT Live, a leading digital systems integrator specialising in hyper-personalisation, gamification and customer engagement across key sectors including Sports, Media, Leisure and Entertainment, proudly announces the appointment of Daniel Rebic as Live Services Director. With 10 years of industry experience, Danny excels in Support, Service Management and Customer Success. His extensive background in delivering mission-critical […]

OBT Live hires Rachel Wood as Professional Services Director

Leading digital systems integrator OBT Live, who specialise in hyper-personalisation, gamification and customer engagement across the Sports, Media, Leisure and Entertainment industries, proudly announces the appointment of Rachel Wood as their Professional Services Director. As OBT Live embarks on an exciting journey, Rachel Wood joins the team to drive innovation and reimagine the way services […]

OBT Live appoints Olivia Jaskolka as Marketing Director

OBT Live, a leading digital systems integrator specialising in hyper-personalisation, gamification, and customer engagement across key sectors including Sports, Media, Leisure, and Entertainment, proudly announces the appointment of Olivia Jaskolka as Marketing Director. Bringing over 15 years of robust experience in tech marketing and enterprise solutions, Olivia steps into her new role at OBT Live […]


Get in touch

OBT Live Ltd, Clockwise Edward Pavillion, Royal Albert Dock, Liverpool L3 4AF

OBT Live Ltd, Clockwise Linley House, Dickinson Street, Manchester M1 4LF

OBT Live Ltd, Maneggstrasse 33, Pergamin II, Greencity, Zurich, 8041, Switzerland


Get in touch

OBT Live Ltd, Clockwise Edward Pavillion, Royal Albert Dock, Liverpool L3 4AF

OBT Live Ltd, Clockwise Linley House, Dickinson Street, Manchester M1 4LF

OBT Live Ltd, Maneggstrasse 33, Pergamin II, Greencity, Zurich, 8041, Switzerland